or an error similar to it. This is caused when the .NET\Framework\
Navagate to
1.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASP.NET_2.0.50727\Names (or whatever version of .NEt framework you have.
2.Start Regedit and navigate to that key.
Right-click "Names" and select Permissions on the context menu.
Click Add and enter NETWORK SERVICE, click "Check Names" and click "Ok".
With NETWORK SERVICE highlighed in the "Groups or User Names" list click "Advanced"
On the "Advanced Security Settings for Names" dialogue highlight NETWORK SERVICE and click "Edit"
In the "Permission entry for Names" dialogue check the "Name" box is showing "NETWORK SERVICE" and put check marks against "Query Value", "Set Value", "Create Subkey", "Enumerate Subkeys", "Notify" and "Read Control".
Click Ok on all the dialogues and close regedit.
Ensure your application pools are reconfigured to run as NETWORK SERVICE (or at least all the ones you want to be) and restart them
On subsequent restarts the w3wp.exe crash should not occur.